Monday, August 06, 2007


You are faced with a blank canvas. Potential energy. It is up to you to convert all this potential energy into kinetic energy. Where do you get your resources? Look within you. May I speak in first person? Or is this my latent self-centeredness taking over. You have to formulate new words to express almost accurately what you feel. Or you are allowed to modify existing words so that they make more sense to you. Artistic freedom, it is called. You treat few words as you would your lover, always partial to them always thinking of them. But then there are other words that you treat like your mistress, you use them in secret. When you’re sure your beloved words don’t fall out of your mouth and linger in the air just to see that promptly following tem out of your mouth are those damn mistress words. And then there are these sounds that serves better than words. You use them quite often. You have created your own language with just mono syllabic sounds. There are times when these sounds serve you better than those words (lovers and mistress) that they make other words seem redundant. They strip language naked and leave you with little shameless bits of sounds that brazenly replace the more sophisticated and clothed language.

So what language do you speak? Do the fall out of your mouth or are they formed with the invisible patterns that you weave with your hands? Or are they a combination of both? With your eyes serving as punctuation marks?

But the most beautiful of all languages is silence. That lovely eloquent silence. What language can best describe the agony and liberation that death brings? Silence… unnecessary words ruin the rendezvous that lovers hearts and eyes share, silence enhances them. After drowning in emotions, a sweet exquisite pain that brings you untold of maddening bliss born of agony and purity, your friends looks into your eyes. Silence is the most articulate.

Silence is divine proof that we were meant do more and feel more. Silence is a hint to a dimension that is higher and deeper at the same time. Silence is that celestial music to which our spirits dance. Silence is you without your desires. Silence is the dot at the end of this sentence.

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